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viernes, 11 de diciembre de 2009

Seguimiento Jesús Hoyos: Google Wave

SAP tambien se une a Google Wave

Gravity is a prototype developed by SAP Research in Brisbane, Australia and SAP NetWeaver Development providing real-time, cloud-based collaborative business process modelling within Google Wave. Google Wave is Google's new real-time collaboration platform that combines features of e-mail, social networking, wikis and instant messaging in one integrated browser-based client. Google Wave offers rich developer APIs to extend the core functionality with custom components. We have embedded Gravity as a Google Wave "gadget" that can be added within the Google Wave client. Leveraging the collaborative features of Google Wave, all business process modelling activities get propagated in near real-time to all other participants of the Wave. In addition, participants of the Wave can use all other features provided by Google and its developer community to enrich the collaborative modelling experience.

Sabes lo que es Google Wave? En el SMC Mexico tienen un proyecto interesante para entender y usar esta herramienta de colaboración.

Mas sobre Google Wave en el blog.

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